Sunday, 28 July 2013

Dr.Malpani Complaints and Reviews

In some cases the patient is unable to conceive , even if all the tests conducted are reported as normal . This causes a lot of frustration , and they go on spending a lot of money , to little avail.
Such cases are labelled unexplained infertility. In these patients, the results of all their fertility tests (hormonal blood tests for LH, FSH, PRL, TSH and AMH to determine the egg quality; semen analysis; ultrasound scanning for monitoring ovulation ; and HSG or hysterosalpingogram to determine the tubal patency) are all normal.
These cases are very frustrating for the patient, because they are unable to understand why the doctor is still unable to pin point the exact cause of their infertility. Normally patients expect a scientific answer and a precise diagnostic label from their doctor , and if he fails to provide this, they are likely to complain, because they  feel he must not be competent to find the reason for their infertility.
They are unable to understand why they are not able to get pregnant if all their tests are completely normal ! If the truth be told, the technology being used for the identification of reproductive problems is quite crude. Thus we can check if the fallopian tubes are closed or open , but testing their functioning is another cup of tea ! Similarly , we can easily check the motility of the sperms , but cannot say anything definitive regarding their ability to fertilize the egg. In cases of unexplained fertility the basic reproductive apparatus (tubes, uterus, sperms and eggs) seems to be working fine. However most patients have the complaint that if the doctor is not able to find the problem , then how he will find a solution for it.
An even better term for this type of infertility will be undiagnosed infertility , as it is due to the limitations of the techniques , rather than the doctor or the patient.
However, when patients are told about their unexplained fertility, they try and pressurise the doctor to run more tests. Most patients conclude that if their infertility is unexplained, this means it has not been diagnosed completely or properly . This is why doctors are browbeaten to conduct unnecessary tests – some of which are very expensive and complex. Many of these are not related to fertility at all ! However , the problem which arises with ordering a bewildering multitude of tests is that sooner or later , one of them will turn out to be abnormal , even though it doe snot affect your fertility. The doctor will then proclaim that he has finally found out the cause of your inability to conceive. To add insult to injury, he will conclude that he is better than your earlier doctor, who was co incompetent, that he had not even bothered to order this test !

The major problem with such an approach is that many of these abnormalities are incidental, and might not be related to your infertility problem at all. However if there is a problem , then the doctor needs to provide a “solution” for it. This results in wastage of a lot of money and time. After several failed attempts , many patients get frustrated , and no longer wish to explore more sensible options like IVF , which could have allowed them to bypass all their problems, and would provide them with a cost effective solution !  


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